Wednesday, September 23, 2009

We have Stairs now -

A lot of work has been done at the beach condo - we have stairs and the inside is being cleaned up. It seems the west side of the house got more damage inside than the parts that face the east. The bathrooms really got messed up - not sure why. Anyway here are two photos - the kitchen looks pretty bad - it is by the west side of the condo. I will post more as the works get done. I don't think we have power yet - in this photo of the stairs it is not hooked up.

Saturday, September 12, 2009

Hurricane Ike Surf

I took this photo of this pier and the photo below shows the pier with Ike out in the gulf ~

Hurricane Ike Surf, originally uploaded by antsypantsy.
This is Pensacola, FL - my kids fished off this pier in Jan,09 almost 4 months after IKe. See first photo from our hotel balcony.

Hurricane Ike

Hurricane Ike, originally uploaded by bamboosage.
Here is storm surge in Alabama -

One year later...

we have stairs at our condo now and the insurance company has been inside taking photos - the electricity is being fixed and soon the water will be done =) this photo I got online - it is about the storm surge - that is what messed up our condo. Here are the boats that ended up on the causeway.